Address :
Jalan Cinambo No. 136, Cinambo, Ujungberung Bandung, Jawa Barat 40293
Phone Number : (022) 7804942
Fax Number : (022) 7804942
Opening Hours
Monday - Thrusday :
Open : 07.30 AM
Break : 12.00 - 13.00 PM
Close : 16.00 PM
Friday :
Open : 07.30 AM
Break : 11.30 - 13.00 PM
Close : 16.30 PM
Preservation Centre of Cultural Values in West Java (UPT) from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Based under the Director of Culture. The working area of Preservation Centre of Cultural Values (BPNB) in West Java includes: West Java Province, Banten Province and Lampung Province.
The function of Preservation Centre of Cultural Values (BPNB) in West Java
Implementation of Assessment, Protection, Development, and Documentation on Tradition Aspects, Beliefs, Arts, Films and Historical.
The vision of Preservation Centre of Cultural Values (BPNB) in West Java
To be the information centre of local cultural value, in order to strengthen social resilience and nation's identity.
In accordance with the functions of the Institute, the library of Preservation Centre of Cultural Values (BPNB) in West Java is a special library in the historical and cultural field. There are lots of collections consist of a collection of researches that include the 7 elements of culture. There are also collections of scientific journals on history and culture, as well as non-book collections such as CDs, DVDs of documentary films that contain historical and cultural events.
Library Membership
the visitors can come directly to the library of preservation of cultural values of western java, precisely in jl. cinambo No. 136 Ujungberung Bandung in West Java, to be able to read/photocopy our library collection, the visitors fristh follow the terms and conditions that must be obeyed.
Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya (BPNB) Jawa Barat merupakan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Berkedudukan di bawah Direktur Kebudayaan. Wilayah Kerja BPNB Jawa Barat meliputi; Jawa Barat, DKI Jakarta, Banten dan Lampung.
Fungsi BPNB Jawa Barat
Pelaksanaan Pengkajian, Perlindungan, Pengembangan dan Pendokumentasian terhadap aspek-aspek Tradisi, Kepercayaan, Kesenian, Perfilman dan Kesejarahan.
Visi BPNB Jawa Barat
adalah menjadi pusat informasi nilai budaya lokal, dalam upaya memperkokoh ketahanan sosial dan jati diri bangsa.
Sesuai dengan fungsi Lembaga, Perpustakaan BPNB Jabar merupakan Perpustakaan Khusus di Bidang Sejarah dan Kebudayaan. adapun Koleksi yang dimiliki terdiri dari koleksi hasil-hasil penelitian yang mencakup tujuh (7) unsur Kebudayaan, koleksi jurnal-jurnal ilmiah tentang sejarah dan kebudayaan, juga koleksi non buku; CD, DVD film dokumenter/Dokumentasi yang memuat peristiwa sejarah dan Kebudayaan.
Pemustaka bisa datang langsung ke Perpustakaan Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Jawa Barat, tepatnya di jl. Cinambo no.136 Ujungberung Bandung, untuk dapat membaca/memfotocopy koleksi perpustakaan kami, pemustaka terlebih dahulu mengikuti syarat dan ketentuan yang harus dipatuhi.